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Diyana-Zariwaw: The People of Zariwaw
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1) yĕ̀dat ʾaširat modlie?ˈ 2) rɒba mɒtwɒte ʾašìrat-in'ˈ 3) ʾu-ʾaxni zaruwànayeˈ halbat… zaruwanaye… bradusnàyexˈ 4) bas bradusnaye süraye xàččewaˈ ʾɒtuṛaye xàččewaˈ 5) naheyat… ʾo mə́nṱaqa ṱ-amrila bradusnàyeˈ ʾəč̣č̣i ʾu-ṱḷa mɒtwɒ̀tewaˈ 6) ṱḷa mɒtwɒte bas ʾitwa ʾɒtuṛàyeˈ ṣìruˈ ʾu-riččàwaˈ ʾu-zarìwawˈ 7) bas zariwaw trè batewa…ˈ tre mahallàt-iwaˈ mɒta ḷḷètaˈ ʾu-mɒta xtètaˈ 8) [LN: bas ʾaxtün lètün Gargarnaye?] 9) la ʾaxni lèx jarjarnayeˈ làˈ lèx jarjarnayeˈ 10) bas xəzməd ʾǜdaḷex ʾaxni ʾu-jarjarnayeˈ 11) nàra ʾit nobandanˈ ʾit nàra nobandanˈ
<span class=aramaic> 1) yĕ̀dat ʾaširat modlie?ˈ 2) rɒba mɒtwɒte ʾašìrat-in'ˈ 3) ʾu-ʾaxni zaruwànayeˈ halbat… zaruwanaye… bradusnàyexˈ 4) bas bradusnaye süraye xàččewaˈ ʾɒtuṛaye xàččewaˈ 5) naheyat… ʾo mə́nṱaqa ṱ-amrila bradusnàyeˈ ʾəč̣č̣i ʾu-ṱḷa mɒtwɒ̀tewaˈ 6) ṱḷa mɒtwɒte bas ʾitwa ʾɒtuṛàyeˈ ṣìruˈ ʾu-riččàwaˈ ʾu-zarìwawˈ 7) bas zariwaw trè batewa…ˈ tre mahallàt-iwaˈ mɒta ḷḷètaˈ ʾu-mɒta xtètaˈ 8) [LN: bas ʾaxtün lètün Gargarnaye?] 9) la ʾaxni lèx jarjarnayeˈ làˈ lèx jarjarnayeˈ 10) bas xəzməd ʾǜdaḷex ʾaxni ʾu-jarjarnayeˈ 11) nàra ʾit nobandanˈ ʾit nàra nobandanˈ</span>
1) Do you know what a tribe is? 2) Many villages form a tribe. 3) And we, the people of Zariwaw, perhaps... the people of Zariwaw... we are the people of Baradost. 4) But (among) the people of Baradost the Assyrians were few, the Assyrians were few. 5) The governo... this area that they call it the (tribe) of Bardost was ninety-three villages. 6) Three villages only were Assyrian: Ṣiru and Riččawa and Zariwaw. 7) But Zariwaw was two households... it was two neighbourhoods: the upper and the lower village. 8) [LN: But you are not the people of Gargar?] 9) No, we are not the people of Gargar, no, we are not the people of Gargar. 10) But we are each other's cousins, we and the people of Gargar. 11) Between us, there is a river, there is a river between us.
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<span class=aramaic> 1) yĕ̀dat ʾaširat modlie?ˈ 2) rɒba mɒtwɒte ʾašìrat-in'ˈ 3) ʾu-ʾaxni zaruwànayeˈ halbat… zaruwanaye… bradusnàyexˈ 4) bas bradusnaye süraye xàččewaˈ ʾɒtuṛaye xàččewaˈ 5) naheyat… ʾo mə́nṱaqa ṱ-amrila bradusnàyeˈ ʾəč̣č̣i ʾu-ṱḷa mɒtwɒ̀tewaˈ 6) ṱḷa mɒtwɒte bas ʾitwa ʾɒtuṛàyeˈ ṣìruˈ ʾu-riččàwaˈ ʾu-zarìwawˈ 7) bas zariwaw trè batewa…ˈ tre mahallàt-iwaˈ mɒta ḷḷètaˈ ʾu-mɒta xtètaˈ 8) [LN: bas ʾaxtün lètün Gargarnaye?] 9) la ʾaxni lèx jarjarnayeˈ làˈ lèx jarjarnayeˈ 10) bas xəzməd ʾǜdaḷex ʾaxni ʾu-jarjarnayeˈ 11) nàra ʾit nobandanˈ ʾit nàra nobandanˈ</span>
1) Do you know what a tribe is? 2) Many villages form a tribe. 3) And we, the people of Zariwaw, perhaps... the people of Zariwaw... we are the people of Baradost. 4) But (among) the people of Baradost the Assyrians were few, the Assyrians were few. 5) The governo... this area that they call it the (tribe) of Bardost was ninety-three villages. 6) Three villages only were Assyrian: Ṣiru and Riččawa and Zariwaw. 7) But Zariwaw was two households... it was two neighbourhoods: the upper and the lower village. 8) [LN: But you are not the people of Gargar?] 9) No, we are not the people of Gargar, no, we are not the people of Gargar. 10) But we are each other's cousins, we and the people of Gargar. 11) Between us, there is a river, there is a river between us.